Disclosure pursuant to the Austrian e-Commerce Act:
Company name: Alpenbauernhof-Gröbenhof
Contact: Gottfried and Maria Knaus
Address: Gröben 5 - A-6166 Fulpmes
Mobile: 0043 (0) 522563557
Email: gottfried.knaus@utanet.at
We (Alpenbauerhof-Gröbenhof - the Knaus family) update the information provided on these pages regulary. Despite all reasonable care, information may have changed or become out of date. Therefore, we can assume no liability that the information provided here is up to date, complete, and/or accurate. Gröbenhof is not responsible for internet offers made by sites that link to these pages, and the owners of such external pages are solely responsible for the contents of any sites linked to www.alpenbauernhof-groebenhof.com in this manner. It is not permitted to link to this site without our permission, and we assume no liability for such links. We reserve the right to amend the contents of this site at any time.